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   When I think about my educational experiences and the path that led me to my current position, there are     many miles that comprise my journey.  I was an Air Force child, so I spent my elementary years in Texas     and Turkey! As a 6th grader, I moved to England and stayed there until I was in 11th grade.  I returned to the   United States and graduated high school in Camden, Delaware.  I decided to enter the military after high     school and went directly to boot camp for the Air Force. After 6 years on active duty, I joined the Delaware   Air National Guard and pursued my goal of completing college through Wilmington University.  I spent the     next two and a half years working full-time as a “shadow” for a student with epilepsy during the day,     attending college at night, and spending weekends doing military training.  I was called up in support of     Operation Noble Eagle during my senior year of college and completed my bachelor’s degree in Middle   Level Education while living in a tent in a Saudi Arabian desert! After graduating from Wilmington University   in 2005, I accepted a special education teaching assignment and have been a multi-disciplinary certified   educator for 16 years.  I obtained my master’s degree in Educational Administration in 2012 from the   University of Phoenix, and I am excited to help students achieve their dreams through guidance,   experience, and support as an Assistant Principal at Alice Drive Middle School.

 Thomas “Craig” Swearingen, M.Ed.

 Assistant Principal
 Alice Drive Middle School
 803 775 0821 x165